About us
© pads 2022
Peterborough and district 16mm group
From small beginnings   Over the years, several attempts had been made at starting a group in Peterborough, but for many reasons, they have all failed.  Until that is Gavin Davies decided to try again. Twenty people turned up at our inaugural meeting at Paston in May 2012, and The Peterborough and District 16mm Group was formed.  To PADs today Since then we have built our own portable layout (The Paddock Fen Light Railway) to accommodate both 45mm and 32mm stock. We have been working on another layout on maintenance days and once that is up and running it can come into regular service and the PFLR can go in for a full refurbishment programme.  Perhaps  we might have it wired up for electric track powered running .   So whether you run steam or battery power, you are welcome to bring along a loco or two or perhaps some  rolling stock to run on the line. Whatever you do  run - steam, diesel or electric  you are welcome to come and take part in our friendly group meetings. Come and see us We usually meet every third Saturday of the month, at Millfield Community Centre, Lincoln Road, Peterborough, from 10 am to 2 pm. Dates can very so if you are making a special journey do check the running days.  Tea, coffee and biccies  are always available at all of our meetings and sometimes a few extra goodies  as well . You can   bring your own food if you wish.  There are shops nearby  There is a minimum charge of £5 per person per meeting  to cover the cost of the hall rental and refreshments.  We also have an annual membership fee of £10 .  Several of our members have  opened their gardens for group running sessions on other weekends. Unfortunately  there have not been so many of late.  We would  love to hear from you if you have a railway you would like to show off to PAD members.